Yard Sale

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Pell City 4609 Martin Street, South Cropwell, AL, United States

The annual Church yard sale will be June 24-25 from 8am to 2pm.  There will be a sneak peek sale on Thursday June 23 from 5pm-7pm.  Start your spring cleaning now and donate your unwanted items today.  Remember:  No clothing or big box TVs, we will take shoes, purses, household items, furniture, knick-knacks, holiday decorations, pet items, etc. Due to activities in the Parish Hall bring in items after June 10th if possible. If you would like to volunteer to help contact Sharon Stice (205) 613-1053 or Brenda Rochford (423) 242-5029. All proceeds go into our Social Concerns fund to help with the Thanksgiving food drive and the Christmas Giving Tree. - Thank you for your help, Social Concerns Committee