Church Ministries

Altar Servers

This Ministry is for boys and girls in the 4th grade and above who would like to serve our Lord at His Altar.  Scheduled Masses are on Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday and Holy Days.  Servers are also required for weddings, funerals and other special services or events.  

Contact: Fr. William Lucas (205) 525-5161



Altar Society

The Altar Society is responsible for cleaning, dusting, polishing items for the Sanctuary and commons area.  They also launder linens and return them the following weekend.  There are no meetings.  You must be a member of Our Lady of the Lake Parish and be at least 18 years old.  

Contact: Susan Moseley (205) 613-6431


Caring Hearts

Caring Hearts is made up of many parts, because we are trying to meet the needs of the Church parishioners when life deals them sicknesss or death.  We try to let them know their Church family is with them no matter what they are going through with a heart felt card.  We offer transportation when they are too sick to pick up medicine, food, or when they need a ride to the Doctor.  We provide food when they are too sick to cook for themselves, or following a funeral when the family is grieving.  We visit to provide comfort, we listen, we’re a friend and a reminder that their Church family is there for them.

Emergency food for Funeral Receptions contact Church Office (205) 525-5161 Email:

Emergency food for Illnesses contact Church Office (205) 525-5161 Email:

Emergency rides to doctor or hospital contact Dennis Veigl (205) 215-3645 Email:

Sympathy and Congratulation Cards contact Terry Callaway (205) 746-8193


Cursillo is not a volunteer organization.  The word Cusillo is Spanish and means “a little course in Christianity”.  It is a three day weekend with other Catholic learning more about Jesus and how to have a closer walk with Him.  Afterwards, the “Cursillista” will meet with other Cursillistas, pray and encourage each other to follow a plan of spiritual formation, prayer and evangelism armed at befriending others loving them into a relationship with the Lord.  

Contact: Parma Boyle (205) 338-2767


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

This is an appointed ministry to help the Priest to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ.  All Applicants must have Pastoral approval.  Training sessions ar held periodically throughout the year.  You will serve as scheduled.  

Contact: Anita Allor (256) 343-6767


Finance Committee

An Advisory Council to the pastor for the purpose of raising funds and properly allocating contributions according to the need of the parish.

Contact: Stephen Reese (205) 937-5658


Funeral and Memorial Support

Ministering to families to prepare Memorials and Funeral Masses and coordinating all the details for these services.

Contact: Fr. William Lucas (205) 525-5161


Grounds Keeping

Responsible, year round, for the upkeep and beauty of the parish grounds, Father’s rectory, and the Grotto area. 

 Contact: Bob Nicholas (205) 473-4661



Our Mission is fellowship!  Help us gather people together for fun fellowship through social gatherings.  

Contact: Shirley Skeivelas (205) 473-4740  Email:

Contact: Gloria Raynor (256) 487-1966 Email:

Knights of Columbus

Thanks to the efforts of Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature on March 29, 1882, officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal benefit society. Current membership is over 2 million world wide.

The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity.  

Our Lady of the Lake Knights of Columbus Council 12270 and Assembly 2972 meet on the 4th Monday of the month.  The Assembly meets at 6:00pm followed by the Council meeting at 7;00pm.

Council Contact:  Grand Knight James Raynor  (678) 524-5170 Email: 

Assembly Contact: Faithful Navigator: Jeff Reach (205) 835-9355 Email:

Link to Supreme: Knights of Columbus

Link to: OLL Knights Page

Knights of Columbus Assembly 2972 is a sponsor for Wreaths Across America at Saint Clair Memorial Cemetery.    WAA collects wreath sponsors all year long.  Use the link above to learn more about WAA and our Assembly Support.


Anyone over 18 who is in good standing with the Catholic faith is welcome.  Training sessions are held periodically throughout the year.  You will serve as scheduled.

Contact: Anita Allor (256) 343-6767


Legion of Mary

This is an army of men and women who want to conquer the world for Christ under the Direction of Mary His Mother under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Contact: Deacon Serge


Enhance liturgies and help our pastor plan for special seasons.  Oversee the duties of Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers, Greeters, Ushers, Environmental and Music.  

Contact:  Sonya Lewis (205) 863-7305



We are responsible for the maintenance of the church properties.  Some light carpentry, electrical and plumbing experience would be helpful but not necessary.  

Contact:  Jay Benson (205) 234-2716


Music/Choir - Adult and Youth

Mission: To Minister to the parish community through our gifts of time and talent, united with the desire to foster a spirit of love and thankfulness to God through our music; enabling us all to be ‘Christ bearers’ in every facet of our lives.  We offer adult and youth programs.

Contact: Charmaine Welch (205) 913-4967



The nursery is provided for the Sunday Masses and and for other parish activities upon request.  Volunteers are needed to watch the children.  

Contact: Gina Falkner (205) 338-3325


Prayer Line

We pray for anyone who requests prayers.  Each member prays individually for the persons whose names are on the prayer list.  

Contact: Sharon Stice (205) 613-1053


Pro Life Committee

Our Mission: To create awareness and preserve the dignity of all human life from conception until natural death, by our prayers and involvement in pro-life activities in the church and community.

Contact: Sharon Stice  (205) 613-1053  


Religious Education

Our mission and goal is to provide Catholic Faith Development for Children and Adults so that we may grow in wisdom, strength, holiness and a deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith.

Our Religious Education Program is for all YOUTH from Pre K3 through grades 12 and meets every Sunday after 8:30 A.M. Mass.

For RCIA and Adult Education <Religious Education>

Contact: Jim Mathis (205) 405-6028

Email: | Email Church Office:

Rosary Guild

Our Lady of the Lake Rosary Guild (Our Lady’s Beads of Glory) provides a place where devoted members of Our Lady of the Lake Parish Community can come and learn to make Rosaries.

Learn More – Our Lady’s Beads of Glory Rosary Guild

Social Concerns

We assist parishioners and people of the community as needed throughout the year.  Projects include: Blood Drive, Thanksgiving Food Baskets, Christmas Angle Tree and the Yard Sale.

Contact: Sharon Stice  (205) 613-1053  



We are a ministry of fun!  We meet every third Wednesday of the month for fun and games at 10:00 A.M. with Potluck lunch at 11:30.  JOIN US!!!  

Contact: Brenda Kern 205-641-3181


Technology Support

We are responsible for the Church Website, WiFi, On-Line Video Streaming, Church Social Media Sites, Church computer setup, Church Network, Internet Support, Photography at Church Events.  Knowledge of computers, and proficiency with software applications, networking, and digital cameras is a plus.  Knowledge of WordPress is a plus.

Contact:  John Bryant (205) 541-1604 



Our mission is to insure the safety and comfort of parishioners before, during and after Mass.  Ushers open and lock the building, help with seating, collections and handing out bulletins at the end of Mass.  All adults 17 and over are invited to be ushers.  

Contact: Michael Gagliano (205) 937-8933


Welcoming / Greeters

We are a ministry of welcome at all Masses to all who walk through our Church doors.  We provide information regarding ministeries and organizations of the church through our Welcome Package or personal home visits.  

Contact: Parma Boyle (205) 338-2767


Youth Groups

These ministries provide Spiritual growth and development for the youth of our parish, through service to God and fellowship to one another.  If you have been called by God to provide leadership skills or to chaperone scheduled youth events, this is a great opportunity to say “YES” to God.  Background checks are required.

Contact: Jim Mathis (205) 405-6028

Email: | Email Church Office: